Wednesday, September 17, 2008

lifelong learning

Learning is something that we do every day, from the day we were born to the day that we... well you know. I can see every day that Malachai is learning new things. Some good... like walking without holding on to things, and some not so good... like unrolling and eating the toilet paper is fun. Malachai learns informally right now, like when you touch a button on the toy it makes noises. Later he will go to school and read from books and be taught by a teacher, formally. He always wants to learn and see how things work, he is a very active participant. He challenges himself by letting go, even though he will fall, he takes a chance. He shows great confidence because he trys and trys again. He loves to play with other kids, who also help him learn by showing him things(like his cousin, who likes to throw things at the TV). AND, most of all he likes to play!!!!!!!

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